Sleeve range
Sleeves for air inlets ensures the continuity of airflow between the mortise penetration and the air inlet. They enable the installation of an air inlet (self-balanced or humidity-controlled) on the inside wall. They may feature soundproofing or not and are categorised according to their installation method:
- circular wall penetration: MTC,
- rectangular wall penetration: MTR,
- installation above window: MHF.
- Once fitted in the lining, the sleeves enable the installation of an air inlet (self-balanced or humidity-controlled) on the inside wall, with or without additional noise attenuation.
- Standard sleeves can be used to position an air inlet directly on a wall when an attachment to joinery is not possible or desirable,
- Acoustic sleeves together with an air inlet improve the acoustic attenuation of outdoor noise.
Discover the range

Range présentation
- Sleeves are categorised according to the type of installation:
- For acoustic models, the products are characterised by their weighted acoustic attenuation index, noted Dn,e,w (+Ctr), evaluated according to standard NF S 31-032-1 and expressed in dB. The "Dn,e,w (Ctr)" index replaced "Dn,e, route", which was used until 30/06/1999 (withdrawn).
circular wall penetration: MTC (circular hood visible on outside wall),
rectangular wall penetration: MTR (rectangular hood visible on outside wall),
installation above a window: MHF (hood invisible on outside wall, air intake directly in joinery penetration).
- Sleeves are installed in the interior or exterior insulation. In the case of MTC and MTR sleeves, the wall penetration is made with a circular PVC tube or rectangular wall penetration (TR).