MTC - Acoustic Sleeve

MTC - Acoustic


MTC is a sleeve for wall and insulation penetrations for air intake into multi-occupancy residential buildings.
MTC - Acoustic
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MTC - Acoustic
The MTC acoustic sleeve is made of galvanised metal sheet. It serves to install high-performance acoustic air inlets on wall penetrations.
MTC - Acoustic

The + products

  • high acoustic performance: 47 to 53 dB,
  • suitable for all Aldes air inlets: self-balanced, humidity-controlled and fixed,
  • suitable for 100 or 125 mm diameter PVC circular openings.

The MTC sleeve is installed inside the wall insulation to enable the installation of a terminal on the outside wall and using the MEA or the TM penetration sleeve, a self-balanced or humidity-controlled air inlet on the inside wall. The circular opening in the wall may be PVC with an external diameter of 125 mm.

The A100 or A125 acoustic element is positioned inside the female circular sleeve and serves to improve its acoustic performance.

  • MTC Acoustic is a sleeve that improves the acoustic performance of air inlets,
  • MTC is compatible with self-balanced, humidity-controlled or fixed air inlets indoors:
  • Outdoors, the MTC sleeve features a cavity compatible with the circular outdoor terminal GEB/GES.
  • Interior insulation, the MTC installed indoors within the wall insulation enables:
    • the installation of an air inlet on the inside wall using the MEA 45, MEA 85 or TM sleeve,
  • the installation of a terminal on the outside using a circular opening (e.g. PVC pipe).
  • Exterior insulation, the MTC installed outdoors within the wall insulation enables:
    • the installation of an air inlet on the inside wall using the MEA 160 or MEA 200 sleeve,
  • the installation of a terminal on the outside using a circular opening (e.g. PVC pipe).
References Main material Insulation material
11011370 - MTC Acoustic kit Ø 100/125 + MEA 45 mm

Galvanised steel

11011397 - Acoustic MTC kit Ø 100/125 + MEA 85 mm

Galvanised steel

11011393 - MTC Acoustic kit Ø 100/125 + MEA 160 mm

Galvanised steel

11011387 - MTC 160 KIT + SLEEVE

Galvanised steel

11011402 - MTC acoustic sleeve Ø 100/125

Galvanised steel

11011394 - MTC Acoustic kit Ø 100/125 + MEA 200 mm

Galvanised steel

MTC - Acoustic MTC - Acoustic MTC - Acoustic MTC - Acoustic MTC - Acoustic
References H (mm) w (mm) L (mm) P (mm)
11011370 - MTC Acoustic kit Ø 100/125 + MEA 45 mm




11011397 - Acoustic MTC kit Ø 100/125 + MEA 85 mm




11011393 - MTC Acoustic kit Ø 100/125 + MEA 160 mm




11011387 - MTC 160 KIT + SLEEVE        
11011402 - MTC acoustic sleeve Ø 100/125





11011394 - MTC Acoustic kit Ø 100/125 + MEA 200 mm




  • CETIAT Inspection Report number  :  2314170-2

1. MTC, 2. PVC tube, 3. MEA, 4. Acoustic element A100 or A125, 5. Air inlet, 6. GEB or GES outdoor hood.

Products and accessories references

  • MTC Acoustic kit Ø 100/125 + MEA 45 mm
    MTC Acoustic kit Ø 100/125 + MEA 45 mm
    82,50 (without VAT)
  • Acoustic MTC kit Ø 100/125 + MEA 85 mm
    Acoustic MTC kit Ø 100/125 + MEA 85 mm
    105,00 (without VAT)
  • MTC Acoustic kit Ø 100/125 + MEA 160 mm
    MTC Acoustic kit Ø 100/125 + MEA 160 mm
    158,00 (without VAT)
  • MTC 160 KIT + SLEEVE
    MTC 160 KIT + SLEEVE
    122,00 (without VAT)
  • MTC acoustic sleeve Ø 100/125
    MTC acoustic sleeve Ø 100/125
    136,00 (without VAT)
  • MTC Acoustic kit Ø 100/125 + MEA 200 mm
    MTC Acoustic kit Ø 100/125 + MEA 200 mm
    188,49 (without VAT)

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