• In a self-balanced CMEV system, the terminals and air inlets are self-balanced, ensuring a constant airflow whatever the weather conditions or room occupancy. The main advantage of a self-balanced system is that the air is constantly renewed, which optimises the quality of indoor air.

Discover the range

Self-balanced system range
  • Self-balanced systems maintain a constant air renewal rate whatever the conditions of occupancy.

  • Type of heating: electricity, gas (vented boiler) or other device independent from CMEV.

  • Type of heating: boiler installed in kitchen and connected to CMEV system.
  • Self-balanced Controlled Mechanical Ventilation.
  • Multi-occupancy housing, Individual houses, Hotels.
  • New builds and refurbishment.
  • To respect requirements, air inlets must be installed according to the airflow dimensioning table,
  • Caution, the sizes in the Self-balanced - Gas table are based on the assumption of a 23 kW boiler installed in the kitchen. For all other cases, refer to DTU regulations 68.3, P1-1-2, paragraph 5.1.
  • Depending on the building configuration:
  • 2 EA 22 models can be installed in place of 1 EA 45 and vice versa,

    3 EA 30 models can be installed in place of 2 EA 45 and vice versa,

  • For 2/3-bed dwellings, air inlets differ according to the type of dwelling (individual house, multi-occupancy building). This is due to the leakage airflows which are not the same.
  • Hygro A compatible for NF certified versions.